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written on laupäev, 10. august 2013 @ 00:20 ✈


Hello beautiful people! Today is the 10th of August! Guess what? Nothing really. I just felt like being lame and... yeah, I actually don't know. As usual, nothing interesting have happened since I last blogged.

That's how unsociable I am and boring I am. I'm shy and I have no friends. Deng deng deng! Okay, I'm just shitting you. I have friends. I think? But I don't really have enough time to go out with them and sometimes, they don't have the time to go out. So there's that. 

That's okay though, I enjoy being confined in the safety that is my room. It is comfy and safe and has everything I need. Plus, the kitchen (and bathroom) isn't that far. So yes, everything I need, check. 

Anyways, since I have nothing going on with my life at the moment and I do have to blog about something, I've decided that today I will blog about places I want to go to/visit/live in/stay/die in. Basically, I just really love travelling but don't have the time and money to do so. But I will, one day.

Before I begin though, I would like to just greet all you muslims and my muslim friends out there Selamat Hari Raya! Well then, let's begin.

1. London
I think if you've seen my previous post, you'll notice how much I absolutely love London. I've been dying to go since I was kid! I think it's one of the most beautiful places to travel to. I don't know, I just have that feeling. The places are amazing, the people are absolutely lovable and just yeah.

2. Hawaii
Yes, Hawaii! Second place I love the most. Also been wanting to go since I was young but like it's so far away and yeah. Hawaii is probably one of the reasons I want to learn surfing, too. Just I love beaches and pretty much everything about Hawaii actually.

3. South Korea
This was actually my #1 but for many reasons, London overtook it's old position. So yeah, there's that. Anyways, my love for Korea actually began in the year 2009? or was it earlier than that... you know what, I don't really remember. But yeah, it was all because I started liking Korean Pop music and bam. I think even if I didn't like Kpop, I'd still love Korea (I'd fall in love with it every single time) because it's a beautiful place with interesting people and interesting places. Plus, the culture is really really fascinating and I'm genuinely interested in learning about it.

Also, it's like home of the running man casts. Who wouldn't wanna see the running seven? Hahaha hashtag fangirl.

Ah yes, another reason I wish to go to Korea is to eat/visit Pal Ja Mak Jang (Gary and Haha's restaurant by the way). Hashtag professional fangirl.

4. Los Angeles
LA BABY. Nuf' said. Also, I think I have a thing for palm trees? Hahaha it's hard to explain why I actually love LA but I just do.

And yep, that's the pretty much places I want to go to/visit/live in/stay/die in. I hope you sort of had fun or was entertained with this post. God, hopefully, it wasn't as boring as my previous posts. So yeah. If you have a list of your own, let me know by leaving comments on my cbox or tweeting me (link is above)! 

You are loved. You are not alone.
With love.

photo credits: google, tumblr, weheartit (to original owners)

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Irrelevant Post
written on neljapäev, 8. august 2013 @ 04:08 ✈


Hello beautiful people! Oh my, I haven't blogged for 5 days? I didn't know that! I am so very sorry, in my defense, I really just didn't have anything to blog about.

There is absolutely nothing to do. No places to see (anymore. Cause I've visited pretty much all of it, I think). No new people to meet.

Jokes. There are people to meet but these people just don't really want to meet me. Anyways, I went on my blog out of boredom and saw that I haven't updated for 5 days already, so, here I am, trying to blog about something. 

Hahaha, I'm sorry I'm making you read irrelevant things right now. Okay, so, seriously, what is new? Sadly, nothing is new. I've been pretty much doing the usual: work, study, work, study, sleep, eat, read and surf the net.

However, I am looking forward to doing the part time job for consumer fair 2013. I don't know why I'm looking forward to that. But I am. Also, I'm looking forward to my birthday cause yay 19! I don't know what my plans are for it cause Steph isn't here and I had originally planned something but I forgot that she would be leaving for Singapore. (:((((((((

I'm hoping to go to Singapore or Philippines on September. But I'm not sure yet. Um, let's see, what else.

I think that's pretty much it. I don't... yeah. Oh, and in case you're wondering why am I crazyily working myself to death. I'm saving up for a penny board and new martens. So, bye money. LOL

Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya to my malay friends! Also, sorry I don't have photos, again. But hey, feel free to complain on my cbox or twitter.

I promise to come back with a much more in depth post. So until then.

London. One day.

You are loved. You are not alone.
With love.

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Quick update
written on laupäev, 3. august 2013 @ 23:29 ✈


So I didn't get to blog for like, um, 2 days now? Qurl please, I was sick okay. Who blogs when they're sick, anyway? What? A lot of people do? Well okay then.

Seriously though, I just didn't want to cause my body was in a whole lot of pain and when my body is in pain, I basically can't think. 

Moving on! Nothing much happened on the 2nd of August cause that was when I was really really in pain. Though, I did still go out for boba tea with mom cause yolo. Hahaha! But yesterday, I felt a little better so I went for maths in the afternoon and household in the evening. 

As per usual, maths was exhausting, especially since they changed the teacher. The old one was so much better, the new one is just so so so annoying. I don't really wanna bad mouth her or anything but she just teaches way too fast and focuses on specific students. Plus, she whines when students ask her over and over again. Like girl please, this is why we're in tuition.

But I don't really have a choice so whatever. I'm stuck with her either way. I hope to god they find a new one soon otherwise I'll never get a grade C or better for maths. :( 

Um, household was fun, too. As it always is. We're mostly girls and we're all close, so it makes things easier and fun and better and stuff. I do feel weird sometimes cause I'm the eldest and I'm the most immature. Oh, and they had that farewell thing for me (and Karen) cause they thought I was leaving for Philippines, so, me still being around is kinda awkward.

It was still fun though because being in the presence of God and sisters in Christ is the most amazing thing. After household, I was supposed to go home but instead I got dragged along for coffee with my two other mothers. Hahaha! And we stayed in coffee bean till 1 in the morning talking bout pretty much lots of things.

Okay, I probably should stop now. Too much words! Here are, um, some recent photos that I could gather. Photos aren't arranged accordingly, by the way. Also, the qualities aren't that good cause I always always forget to bring my camera and my phone camera is shit. So, sorry!

idk why I find this photo really amusing

belated birthday thing for Tel

the fab Mymy

I feel like getting a penny board, guys. Yes? 
Adding it into my wishlist anyway!


You are loved. You are not alone.
With love.

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Welcome to August
written on neljapäev, 1. august 2013 @ 06:42 ✈


Welcome to August, everyone! So, nothing interesting happened today, nothing usually does when you're living in Brunei. Kidding. But anyway I still wanted to blog because it's the first day of August. Duh. 

I would tell you about my day but I did nothing remotely productive. I mostly went on twitter, youtube, tumblr, laid on the bed and read a few commerce notes. I don't really know if you consider that productive... not really... but if you do... okay.

I don't know the point of this blog post. Hahaha. I'm pretty much just wasting your time by asking you to read this. I love you for doing so anyway. 

Unfortunately, I don't have pictures today, so, I've decided that I won't fill this whole post with words. Just, welcome to August and I hope it'll be a good one for you. 

You are loved. You are not alone.
With love.

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New blog!
written on kolmapäev, 31. juuli 2013 @ 01:27 ✈


Well this is awkward, I, um, don't know how to not be awkward. Okay, I don't know if that actually made sense. Seriousness though, hello! So, if you didn't know, I used to be an active blogger until, well, duh, I stopped blogging. At first, I was just like, "oh, okay, O levels are coming, hiatus time!" but then I don't know after O level - nay, even after graduation - I just didn't have the feels to blog anymore. Plus, I grew lazier.

I know those are really sucky reasons to stop blogging but come on, you're a teenager, too. You know what I'm talking about! Unless of course, you're an adult reader, in which case, YOU DO KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. You used to be lazy, too. Don't forget that!

Jokes. Okay, so you're probably wondering (or not but whatevER) why start blogging again? Well, I miss writing. Typing. I don't know. I just wanted to start blogging again. I miss doing something. And since I haven't started going to university/college, I thought, why not? I do have work though, but I have plenty of time to blog, too. I think. So yeah, here I am with a new blog.

I didn't want to use my old blog because I sounded like some weird 5 year old girl blogging. Blergh. I hated so many people. I liked so many people. I liked colors. I fangirled way too much. Also, in a way, this is like starting fresh. 

If you haven't already noticed, I like words, so, there will be some posts that will mainly consists of just, well, words. Don't whine! I will try to add photos when I can or when I do have photos to add. I'm camera shy, bite me. You can leave messages at my cbox, if you wanna fight. JOKES. Not funny? Ok.jPG

For now, here are some recent photos of me with friends. (sorry not sorry for vain photos) This was taken 25th July, before Steph left for Singapore. :( :( :( (Photos were taken using phones, credits goes to the phones HAHAHAHAHA) Follow me at instagram, for everyday shots! :)


to end this post, here is a video/gif of me. JK 

You are loved. You are not alone.
With love.

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